SX12 V6 - Superhero X12

Finally…A Step-By-Step formula To Build a lean and muscular superhero body with just 3 simple workouts per week, while eating your favorite foods every day, and zero cardio

Question: Do you wish you had a body that looked like these guys? 

Okay rhetorical question. 

But here's the deal.

I spent 5 long years of my life trying to "reverse engineer" how the the top celebrities in Hollywood got in shape for their movie roles.  

I spent hours every day reading articles about how actors would prepare for their movie roles.

And after all this research, I saw that all the top Hollywood transformations had the same things in common:

  • Workout 5-7 days per week doing some generic bodybuilder workout.
  • Do long, boring traditional cardio on the treadmill to lose body fat.
  • Eat a heavily restricted diet of 6-8 small meals per day.
  • Only eat "clean" foods like boiled chicken and veggies. Anything that even remotely tastes good is off limits. 

And I believed this 100%. 

For years I would workout 5-7x per week, run on the treadmill until my legs felt like they were gonna fall off, and would make myself hate life by eating nothing but brown rice, egg whites, and chicken.

And on the rare occasions I did eat a doughnut, I would not only feel guilty but would end up binging and resetting any progress I made.

Here's what I looked like after 5 years of following all this conventional fitness advice:

After 5 freaking years...this is what I looked like.

Pretty sad for 5 years of training and dieting, eh?  

In my mind, I thought that as long as I copied what all the ripped Hollywood celebs were doing, that I would get ripped too. 

But man, was I wrong.

There had to be a better way to get in shape

I was sick and tired of failing. 

I kept trying to follow all the conventional fitness advice spewed out by trainers and "gurus." 

I tried to do the "right thing." 

But all that did was screw me over for years and left me weak with no muscle and no results. 

I knew there had to be a better way. 

And that was when I decided to say f*ck you to all the conventional fitness advice out there and forge my own path. 

After 5 years of failures and mistakes, I decided to go back to the drawing board and really understand the fundamentals of what drives fat loss and building muscle. 

I tested these new methods on myself and well...

You be the judge:

These methods also helped me get up to a 140-pound weighted chin-up for 4 reps.

From the mind of Keith Lai

Average guy, lazy as f*ck, but somehow still managed to get in shape by doing everything "wrong." 

Here's a quick intro on me.

  • Helped thousands of guys get in shape by doing the complete opposite of what most fitness gurus teach.
  • Started a fitness blog 7 years ago, Fitmole which has gotten over 18 million visits.
  • I'm probably a lot like you. I've tried every workout and diet in the book only to fail miserably because I couldn't stay consistent.

Just a taste of what my system can do for you:

  • Drop down to 10% body fat (or below) while eating delicious foods like juicy steaks and cheesecake every single day. 
  • Eat massive 2000 calories meals every single night while still losing weight.
  • Get ripped, dense abs while doing as little as one ab exercise.
  • Lose fat and build muscle at the same time while only working out as little as 3 days per week.
  • Drop body fat like clockwork without ever doing a second of cardio.
  • Reverse the effects of skinny fat syndrome no matter how "doomed" you think you are.
  • Gain ungodly amounts of strength and muscle without doing traditional, hardcore bodybuilder workouts.

And this system didn't just work for me....

Here Are Just A Handful Of Transformations Using My Methods

"I’m 35 And More Ripped Than When I Was 25."

- Tom Merryman, Los Angeles firefighter

"I’m a bit of a skeptic, and was hesitant to try Keith’s formula.

But being about two months in I’m definitely seeing results. I also feel much healthier and getting a massive gain in confidence.

Trust the system. It works."

- Donald W.

"I struggled to hit 4-5 pull ups. Now I'm hitting 10 with ease."

- Jon Luella

"This program was the jumpstart I needed! Amazed at the incredible progress I made in the little effort that it took."

- Neal R. (52 years young)

Look getting in shape isn't easy. 

When we hear about how actors get in shape, we tend to put ourselves in a "bubble" and believe that their way is the only way. 

But nothing could be further from the truth.

We've all been tricked (myself included) into believing that the only way to build a Hollywood body is by killing yourself in the gym, giving up all the tasty foods you love to eat, and sacrificing your life.

The way I see it, there are 3 big myths guys still believe in that are holding them back from transforming their body.

3 Crazy Myths Guys still believe about building a lean and muscular body

Myth #1

You Must Eat "Clean" Foods To See Results

Eating clean is a big fat lie.

OMG did I just say that?

Yes I know this is hugely controversial.

So many people have such deep, emotional, borderline religious beliefs about eating clean but it needs to be said.

Of course eating wholesome, nutritious foods is always a good idea but that doesn't mean you still can't enjoy your favorite foods like pizza and ice cream.

The main problem we have today is too many people think that the moment your lip touches a "dirty" food like a cheesecake, your body automatically turns everything into fat and the day is ruined.

The big problem here isn't the foods themselves but the dose (how much you're eating).

A little balance, moderation, and common sense goes a long way in dieting.

I know it ain't sexy, but that's exactly what the leanest guys in the world do to stay in shape year round. 

Here's Robert who followed my tips and was able to lose 5 pounds in a week while still eating tasty shit. 


You Must Workout 5-7x Per Week

How many times have you heard a guy say they're going to start working out at 5 days per week only for them to burnout and give up 2 weeks later.

The big problem is guys get hyped up to transform their body but then end up doing more than they can realistically handle. 

A much smarter approach would be to workout 3-4x per week and consistently stick with that for a few months.

And believe me, you can get amazing results with just 3 workouts per week.

Most guys who go to gym gym half-ass it anyways. It's better to have 3 quality workout sessions vs. 7 half-assed ones.

Joel below has been training for 10 years and says my 3-day program is "by far the best."

Myth #3

You Need To Do Cardio To Get Shredded

If your goal is to look lean and muscular, the absolute last thing you want to do is do cardio exclusively. 

The only thing that will do is make your body look frail and weak. 

Every guy needs to do some form of weight training.

Cardio is great to improve your cardiovascular health and conditioning levels but man...please don't do it as your main workout. 

Look around your gym next time. You'll notice all the ripped dudes are in the weight area and all the overweight dudes are pounding away on the elliptical.

"I was traditionally a cardio freak. My thought was that I wasn’t working hard if I wasn’t dripping in sweat. I just absorbed Keith's material and went against all my old beliefs.

After seeing progress with Superhero X12 I realized I wasn’t seeing progress before because I was doing the wrong type of training for what my goals were."

- Ron Q.

The "Hollywood Rebound Effect" - The Dirty Truth About hollywood body transformations that no one talks about

There's a dirty truth behind all these "amazing" celebrity body transformations.

You see, all these extreme "balls to the walls" programs you read actors doing are NOT designed for long term results. 

You hear them do cardio for hours on end, lift weights for 2+ hours, and eat nothing but salad. 

But the reason they do this is because they are trying to get in shape as fast as humanly possible. 

A movie studio executive has millions of dollars on the line, you think they're going to let their lead actor get in shape by keeping things relaxed and simple? 

Sure these routines can initially work, but they don't work long term.

Just look at guys like Gerard Butler or Taylor Lautner or even fucking Jonah Hill. 

They all got in shape for their movie roles but lost their results once filming stopped.

I call this the "Hollywood Rebound Effect."

I don't want you to build 20 pounds of muscle and get a ripped six pack only to lose it all 3 weeks later. 

I want you to build the body you've always wanted and actually keep it forever.

"Last summer, I struggled for months with low-carb, slow-carb, no-carb, Bulletproof, "clean" eating, and all the other BS out there, but never saw the results I was after (that lean, superhero physique).

Once college rolled around, I needed a change, and that's exactly what Keith provided for me.

Thanks so much!!!"

- David Prater

And this is why I created something very special...


The step-by-step training & nutrition system to build (and maintain) a superhero physique without sacrificing your life.

Here's exactly what you get

SX12 Workout Guide

A deep dive in the the SX12 training system where you'll learn...

  • The "secret" behind losing MORE fat and building MORE muscle while working out less.
  • How to workout even if you "never have time."
  • Why traditional cardio methods could actually be making you fat
  • And much much more..

Total Value: $59

Nova Series: Workouts Designed Exclusively For Beginners

Workout protocols designed exclusively for beginners looking to lose fat and build muscle. What's inside:

  • Four different 12-week workout plans that requires no more than 3 hours per week. 
  • How to determine how much weight you should lift. 
  • How to easily modify the workouts if you have exercise or equipment restrictions. 
  • Learn exactly how to scale and progress your workouts for consistent results.

Total Value: $159

Titan Series: Take Your Body To The Next Level

Workout protocols designed exclusively for intermediates looking to take their body to the next level. 

  • Five different 12-week workout plans designed for intermediate lifters that requires no more than 4 hours per week. 
  • The dead simple formula for gaining lean muscle without fat.
  • 3 "fool-proof" methods to blast through training plateaus and keep the gains coming.

Total Value: $159

SX12 Diet & Nutrition Guide

The step-by-step guide that outlines the SX12 approach to diet and nutrition. Inside you'll discover:

  • Why most new, cutting edge diets are just total bullsh!t.
  • How to go to restaurants and eat your favorite foods without "ordering a salad" every time.
  • Why breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. 
  • The scientifically proven methods for stuffing your face full of ice cream every night and still get abs
  • The truth about "fat burning foods" 
  • And much much more...

Total Value: $59

Superhero Mindset Guide

Like they say, "Where the mind goes, the body follows." The Superhero Mindset Guide will help you beat the mental game of fitness. What's inside: 

  • Why waiting to "feel motivated" doesn't work, and what to do instead.
  • What to do if you think you never have time to workout or eat healthy.
  • The real reason people can't stick with their workout and diet
  • How to break bad habits and establish new ones (even if you're lazy as balls) 

Total Value: $49

SX12 Video Vault: 75+ Professionally Shot Exercise, Warm-up, and Mobility Drill Demos

The worst thing in the world is being told to do an exercise and having no idea on how to it. 

So I asked my friend Dan Jones, a certified strength & conditioning coach who trains elite athletes to help me shoot video demos for over 75+ exercises in Superhero X12.

  • Learn how to execute every single exercise, mobility drill, and warm-up routine with perfect precision.
  • Minimize injuries and maximize muscle growth.
  • Professionally shot, multi-angle videos shot in crystal clear 1080p HD.
  • View on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices any time

Total Value: $159

Lifetime Membership To The SX Syndicate

The SX Syndicate is our private community for Superhero X12 members. And when you join today, you get lifetime access to it.

  • Get personalized help with your workout or diet.
  • Interact with other like-minded guys on the same journey as you.
  • Post progress pics and stay accountable.
  • I'll also be personally hanging out in the group to post exclusive tips & tricks and answering questions.

Total Value: $159

Plus, I'm hooking up everyone who picks up Superhero X12 today with the Fast Action SX Bonus Package you see below

Bonus #1: Idiot Proof Grocery List

Don't know what foods you should eat to lose fat and build muscle?

This list is so simple, you'd have to be an idiot to mess it up.

Total Value: $29

Bonus #2: Exercise Substitution Cheat Sheet

I understand that not everyone can do the same exercises whether it's due to mobility issues or lack of equipment.

If you can't do a specific exercise, this cheat sheet will be your savior. 

Total Value: $29

Bonus #3: SX12 Nutrition Calculator

Hate doing math? Me too, and I'm Asian.

So I custom developed a nutrition calculator to help you easily calculate exactly how much you need to eat based on your goals, weight, age, and other factors. 

Total Value: $29

Sounds sweet, but how much is this gonna cost me? 

Look, an excellent personal trainer who knows their shit will charge $100+ per session. 

The total value of the entire Superhero X12 system plus the bonus package comes in at over $800. 

But today, you can get complete access for a one time investment of $99 $49.

So for less than half the price of one personal training session, you get lifetime access to the Superhero X12 system and all it's bonuses for just a fraction of the cost.

Look, I'm not trying to sound like some sleazy used car salesman here.

Fact is, the information in this program will dramatically change the way you approach training and dieting forever (as long as you take action and apply it). 

SX12 isn't a "magic pill."

But what I teach in it will benefit you the rest of your life. 

Once you understand the fitness principles that I go over, you will be able to lose fat and build muscle "on demand."

I'd say that's a pretty damn good deal.


Total Value: Over $800

Today, grab everything for just $99 $49

Lifetime updates. No recurring charges. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You literally have nothing to lose (except your man boobs)

If you don't see results with Superhero X12 within the first 60 days (which I doubt will happen), I'll happily refund 100% of your money back. No hassle. No questions asked.


Michael lost over a 100 pounds of fat in 2 years following the principles in SX12.

More of what you'll find inside Superhero X12...

  • How to strategically cycle calories so you can eat 5000 calories worth of doughnuts and French fries on Saturday night without losing progress...
  • The truth about eating 6-8 small meals per day and why it's not the best option for losing fat.
  • How to get sh*t-face drunk and somehow manage to still get ripped abs using the "Project X Rule..."
  • Why eating nothing but "clean foods" might actually ruin your progress...
  • Why abs are not "made in the kitchen" and what you must really do to build dense, muscular abs.  
  • How to build lean and muscular legs without doing traditional squats and deadlifts.
  • Why eating a bowl of Lucky Charms won’t make you gain any more weight than a bowl of brown rice.
  • Why the “perfect” ratio of carbs, fat, and protein matters much less than you think.
  • The scientifically proven "habit loop" that destroys your ability to build new habits and break bad ones (and how you can manipulate it to finally get consistent results).
  • The exact nutrition protocol for fixing the dreaded skinny fat syndrome.
  • And MUCH MUCH more...

Get Started With Superhero X12 Today

Total Value: Over $800

Only $99 $49 Today

One Time Fee. Lifetime access and updates.

Order today with zero risk. You have a full 60 days to test drive the program. If you hate it, return it.

 Got A Question?

How many times per week will I be working out? 

Will I need to do cardio? 

Can I do this workout while playing sports?

How long will it take to see results? 

Is SX12 only for men? Can women use it?

Do I need access to a gym? 

Can older guys (over 40) do this? 

What's the refund policy? 


Total Value: Over $800

Only $99 $49 Today

Lifetime updates. No recurring charges. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

There's a big difference between getting in shape and staying in shape. 

Anyone can go on a hardcore workout/diet plan for 30 days. But what happens after that?

99.99% of guys will lose all their results.

The goal should be to establish a set of healthy habits that can last you a lifetime.

And that's something that is sorely missing if you decide to follow any "celebrity routine."

Do you really think you can go the rest of your life without eating carbs?

Do you really think you can consistently workout 7 days per week for the rest of your life?

If my guest.

But if you want a real-life approach to building an elite Hollywood body without obsessing over fitness 24/7, then Superhero X12 is for you.

Click here if you're ready to build a Hollywood body

Note: Superhero X12 is a completely digital product so there's no waiting for anything to be shipped to you. Once you purchase the product you will be able to immediately access and download all product components in the members area.

Please read the following disclaimer: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. here’s the truth: Most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero and their physique never changes. The biggest factor is you put in the work and time to get results. don’t be fooled into thinking anything is easy and that you don't have to do any work. Any transformation examples on this page do not guarantee individual success. Your experience and results will vary.